We can see in this sentence that there is no word after cried. In other words, there is no object for the word, so there is no noun to receive the action of the word. Think about it–what could we say? My father cried something. Is there a noun that we could use after cried? We could probably think of one or two nouns, liketears, or even, good-bye, but normally, we do not use the verb cry with an object.
So, it is I suppose. It is a verb which is not transitive—a verb which does not take an object. Or, we can say, the opposite verb from transitive verbs. Here are some examples along with some sentences.
walk, jump, sleep, sit, lie, stand, weep, kneel, fall, fly, flow,remain, die, belong, wait, come, go.
(a) We walk to the railway station.
(b) The children jump with joy.
(c) Babies sleep for many hours.
(d) My brother stood there.
(e) Jesus wept.
(b) The children jump with joy.
(c) Babies sleep for many hours.
(d) My brother stood there.
(e) Jesus wept.
(f) I slept.
(g) I coughed.
(h) The glass fell.
(i) My cat ran.
(j) The sun rose.
(k) She came late.
(l) Ms. Ratih remain silent
Some Exceptions
You will often find transitive verbs used intransitively, i.e. without an object.
- They are eating.
- We play> in the evening.
- I understand.
At rare times intransitive verbs are used transitively.
- How did you cover all that distance? We walked it. (‘walked’ has the object ‘it’ in this sentence)
- I cannot stand such nonsense. (‘stand’ has the object ‘nonsense’ in this sentence)
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